

Simple English Video For Young Learners és una web que descriu a la perfecció el seu nom: vídeos senzills en anglès per a joves aprenents. Tenen penjats 11 vídeos de dibuixos animats o de parts de pel·lícules i baix està la lletra del video en concret. Pots seguir la lletra o pots marcar la frase i el video es reprodueix en la frase que has marcat. Per tal d'anar acostumant-nos i acostumar el nostre alumnat a escolar l'anglès me sembla un recurs utilíssim.

Podem practicar amb ET, The Smurfs (els Pitufos) i d'altres molt més actuals. Ací tenim a Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs:

I ací baix et copie la lletra per poder seguir el diàleg:

My son, Flint Lockwood, always loved to invent things. Cheeseburger. Sometimes his inventions were great. Other times, well, not so much.Ahh, help, help, help. We had to leave Swallow Falls so things could get cleaned up. But, when we returned (farewell, farewell) something big was left over. I can’t believe my machine created all of this. Are those shrimp-panzees? Butter. Look mosqui-toast. Perfect. Those are some tasy looking jelly fish. It’s enough to make a grown man cry. But not this man. Get back in there tears? This September. Did you hear something? What was that? Taco-dile. Supreme. It’s no picnic. Hold on everyone. Ahhh, there’s a leak in the boat. Waaaaaa, Arrrrgh. Saving the world. We have to shut down the machine before the food animals get off the island and invade the mainland. All we have to do is cross the breakfast pond, brave the food animal jungle and scale the big rock candy mountain. Piece of cake. Cloudy with a chance of meatblls 2. I think I’ll name him Berry. Sam, don’t touch it. Put it down. Ahhhhhhh. Seriously?

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